Air Quality:

Property Tax - Levy and Mill Rates

Levy and Mill Rates

In the City of Reedsburg, the City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director receives notices of the tax levies each year apportioned by the State, Sauk County, the School District and Madison College. The local tax levy is added to the apportioned levies to develop a total tax levy. Adding the levies for the taxing authorities determines the gross tax dollar amount, and adding the rates determines the gross tax rate.

Likewise, the total tax levy divided by the total assessed value equals the gross tax rate. State aids to be received reduce the gross tax amount, and reduce the gross rate, determining the net tax to be collected and the net tax rate. The net tax rate is referred to as the mill rate (or tax rate per $1,000 of assessed value).

The individual assessed values in the tax roll are multiplied by the mill rate to calculate each property owner’s tax liability. The tax liability for each property is based on the assessed value as established by the local assessor, in relation to the total assessed value of the municipality.

When the equalized ratio is over 100% - the estimated fair market value printed on the tax bill is lower than the assessed value. It's common for taxpayers to question why the tax bills are not generated using the equalized values when that occurs. If equalized values were used, the tax rate would be calculated by dividing the total tax levy by the total equalized value.

Click here to download an informational flyer on Tax Payment Information for 2023.

Personal Property Taxes

The City of Reedsburg has contracted with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. as their municipal assessor.  They are charged with establishing the assessments for all property (homes, commercial buildings, vacant lands and business personal property) located within the City. 

Statement of Personal Property

Unless you are a state-assessed Manufacturer, every person, firm or corporation operating a business within the City of Reedsburg must file a Statement of Personal Property (Form PA-003) with the City Assessor's Office each year on or before March 1st.

Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. mails a Statement of Personal Property form to each business owner that has an established account from the preceding year.  These statements are typically mailed during the last week of December or first week of January each year. 

New business owners who do not have an existing account should contact Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. at 920-749-1995, to establish an account or simply submit a Statement of Personal Property on their own by the March 1st deadline.

The Statement of Personal Property can be found by visiting the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s website at:  The form number is PA-003

Businesses that do not file a Statement of Personal Property with the City of Reedsburg Assessor's Office will be given a Doomage Assessment and can be denied any right of appeal by the Board of Review. 

Completed Statement of Personal Property forms are confidential and are not available for public inspection.

Please contact Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. at 920-749-1995, for assistance with completion of the form.  


For more information, please contact the City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director at: 

City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director:  Jacob Crosetto
Phone:   608-768-3346
Fax:        608-524-8458

Along the right side of the page are the most recent assessments and mill rates. Please note that this is the overall mill rate including the City, County, School District, State of Wisconsin, and Madison Area Technical College.