Past Chiefs of Police
The City of Reedsburg has been served by many dedicated police executives since 1868. These executives served in elected positions before actually having an appointed Chief of Police. Initially those charged with heading the police department were called Police Justices. The Police Justice was elected to one-year terms and provided police protection to the Village of Reedsburg. The Village of Reedsburg became the City of Reedsburg in May of 1887. In 1888 the Police Justice position gave way to the City Marshal position, which was also elected. The City Marshal was elected to a two-year term. The Marshal position became largely ceremonial after the creation of the Office of Chief of Police and was eventually abolished in 1942. The Police Department celebrated its 150th birthday in 2018, the photo below depicts the ceremonial sesquicentennial badge worn by officers during 2018 to celebrate our history. The sesquicentennial badge is designed after the first badge used in the early 1900's by the City Marshal.
Here is a listing of the former Police Justices, Marshals and Chiefs of Police:
Chiefs of Police
Patrick Cummings, 2019 - Present
Timothy M. Becker, 2006 – 2019
Wilbur Abel II, 1990 – 2006
Robert Hertel, Sr. 1989 – 1990
David Stiffler, 1987-1989
Reed Woodward, 1978 – 1986
David Hamm, 1973 – 1978
David Dobson, 1953 – 1973
Max Shultis, 1947 – 1953
Frank Camp, 1945 – 1947
Edward Schultz, 1942 – 1945
Richard Rinkenberger, 1939 – 1942
City Marshals
Hendy Schleden, 1926 – 1939
Frank Camp, 1918 – 1926
Roy Mepham, 1912 – 1918
John R. Donahue, 1908 – 1912
J. A. Richards, 1906- 1908
John R. Donahue, 1900-1906
A. S. Metcalf, 1899-1900
Arthur Coleman, 1898 – 1899
John R. Donahue, 1894 – 1898
George Kelley, 1890 – 1894
William Miles, 1888 - 1890
Police Justices
William Miles, 1887
H. Achase, 1886
P. Byron, 1885
H. E. Stewart, 1884
W. J. Carver, 1883
W. G. Hawley, 1882
W. R. Briggs, 1880 – 1881
J. M. Strassart, 1879
W. G. Hawley, 1878
James Miles, 1877
James Mackey, 1876
A. Nass, 1875
C.S. Hunt, 1874
William Garrison, 1873
W. H. Rook, 1872
James Mackey, 1870-1872
Abner Hunt, 1868-1870