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Freda Meyers Nishan

Freda Meyers Nishan

Freda Meyers Nishan was born in New London, Wisconsin on April 28, 1875. At the age of eleven she came to Reedsburg to make her home with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rudd.


She is remembered for her philanthropic spirit. The city of Reedsburg received $125,000 in trust money for a community building with auditorium. An additional amount of $25,000 was stipulated for its maintenance.  Mrs. Nishan was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. She had the Presbyterian Manse built and endowed money for its maintenance. Freda purchased and donated the land at 547 N. Park Street for the Reedsburg Municipal Hospital. She contributed liberally to the hospital’s construction and maintenance.  A trust fund was established for scholarships for many graduates from Reedsburg High School and the Sauk County Teachers College have received money set up in Freda’s Honor.


Other beneficiaries were: The Reedsburg Library, Greenwood Cemetery and the Nishan Chapel. The Freda Meyers Nishan Foundation was established for goiter research or any other research for the benefit of mankind.


By sharing her wealth, especially during the depression years, she enriched many lives. Freda lived on North Pine Street until her death on June 1, 1938.



Excerpted from the book,
Reedsburg Remembers (100th Anniversary)