St. Peter's Lutheran Church
300 North Locust Street
This is the second church building erected by the St Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Congregation. Construction began in the fall of 1907 and the completed structure was dedicated on March 14, 1909.
This building replaced the first church that was built and dedicated in October, 1870. The entire block, from 3rd St to 4th St and from Locust St to Pine St, was purchased the year before for $1,000.
The new frame church was 40 by 70 by 20 ft with a steeple that was 75 feet tall. The building cost $3,200.
After 40 years of service, the building began to show its age. Since the congregation continued to grow, the decision to erect a new building was made and construction began in 1907.
St Peter’s parochial school is on the right and the Sacred Heart Catholic Church is in the middle left.
This building is 72 feet wide and 122 feet long. It is the tallest building in town with a peak height of 136 feet on one steeple and 122 feet on the other steeple. This tower contains a 3,000 pound bell which was purchased for $600 and the 4 faced clock which measures 8 feet in diameter.
The parsonage was built in 1883 on the southeast corner of the property for $1,500. In 1914, a large 10 room brick building with all of the modern conveniences was erected in the same location for $6,000.
The first school building, a wood frame structure, was erected in 1874. It was replaced in 1898 with a brick building at a cost of $5,200. By 1924, the building was no longer large enough to accommodate all of the students and a two story addition was added at a cost of $16,000. The building was razed in 1966 when the new school was built.
Two homes were built in the property for teachers. One was located at the corner of Pine St. and 4th St. and another was located at the corner of Locust St. and 4th St. This building was moved to a new location when the first phase of the new school building was built. The other home was moved to make room for the second phase of the new school construction which was completed in 1966.
The new school addition began in 1965 after the principal’s house was moved from the lot. The new building was dedicated in 1966 under Reverend Ervin Lemke. The old school building was razed to make room for playground and parking but before students carried their desks and chairs from the old building to their new classrooms.
A major building project completed in 1993 when the front steps of the church were enclosed and the entry way was made level with the sidewalk. An elevator was installed that connected the entry with the basement. Concordia Hall in the basement was remodeled at the same time. Photos by Robert Kaun.