Air Quality:

2025 Pet Licenses are available for City of Reedsburg residents

            The licensing period runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year.  If you do not apply for a dog license on or before March 31, there is an additional charge of a $5.00 late fee.  State law requires proof of an updated rabies shot before a dog/cat can be licensed. License fees fund the expense of the Sauk County Animal Shelter. The penalty for not having a license is $116.75. The City of Reedsburg is required by state law to inform the Sauk County Clerk of any unlicensed dogs on a yearly basis.

Please bring and a copy of the rabies vaccination form from your Vet. The form should have the following information: Vaccination date, expiration date, vaccine manufacturer, and vaccine serial number.

Dog License Fees

Spayed/Neutered         $15

Not Spayed/Neutered  $20

Cat License Fees

All Cats       $10

Dog Park (Optional)

Resident             $20

Non-Resident     $30


Dog License Form (Click to print the Dog License Form)