Air Quality:

City Government


Office of the Mayor

The Mayor of Reedsburg is elected every two years in even number years at the Spring General Election. The Mayor serves as the chief executive of the city, chairs meetings of the City Council, City Plan Commission and Finance Committee. The Mayor makes appointments to boards, commissions and committees with the consent of the City Council.

From the beginning, Mayor Estes’s mission has been to make Reedsburg the most livable city in the state -- a goal that continues to transform the city government’s culture, drive its strategic direction, and build Reedsburg’s reputation as a welcoming center for business, culture, education and outdoor recreation. Click here for the Mayor Web Page. 

City Council

The City Council is also called the Common Council. It consists of nine members elected to staggered three-year terms of office. Individual members of the City Council are called alderpersons. There are two alderpersons in each of four aldermanic districts and one alderperson who serves "at-large" representing the entire city. The City Council elects one of their members as the Council President. Council members are elected at the Spring General Election and sworn into office on the 3rd Tuesday of April.

City Management

The City of Reedsburg is managed by a professional staff leading approximately 92 full-time employees, 38 volunteer fire fighters and seasonal/part-time employees in various City departments including the Utility Commission.

The City employs a city administrator to oversee the day-to-day operations of the city.  The administrator's responsibilities are outlined at  Section 1A.01 of the Code of Ordinances.

Department Heads report directly to the City Administrator include: City Clerk - Treasurer/Finance Director, Community Dev./Zoning Administrator, Chief of Police, Director of Public Works/City Engineer and Director of Parks and Recreation.

The Library Director and Utility Manager report directly to their respective Boards, Trustees, or Commissions. In 2016 under City Resolution the function of Emergency Management was placed under the Director of Reedsburg Area Ambulance Services.