Air Quality:

Community Development & Building

The Planning & Building department is responsible for current and long-range planning efforts. Current planning involves projects related to zoning, development review, architectural and appearance review, and sign review, as well as various permits and other activities. Long-range planning involves the creation and enforcement of plans for the entire city as well as special areas related to future growth and development. 

Before developing land in the City of Reedsburg, the landowner should contact the Planning Staff. Staff will provide advice about the process that should be followed prior to the development of the land.
The City of Reedsburg is a progressive community that has experienced a great deal of growth.
The estimated population as of August 9, 2024 is 10,516.

Affiliated Organizations

The City works with a number of organizations as partners in planning and community development.

Bird City Recognizes Reedsburg

Bird City Wisconsin seeks to encourage communities to implement sound bird conservation practices by offering high visibility public recognition to those that succeed in doing so.


Comprehensive Plan

A Comprehensive Plan is used as the basis for all municipal land use oridnances, such as zoning, nuisances, subdivisions, and floodplains. It also acts as a guide for future growth and development of a community. The Comp Plan covers a 20-year period and is updated at its 10-year mark.

Land Use Planning

The City of Reedsburg administers land use planning and zoning within the city limits and the extraterritorial area (ET).

The ET area is roughly 1.5 miles surrounding the city in the Towns of Reedsburg, Excelsior and Winfield. Most new structures or additions require a zoning permit from the City.”