Air Quality:

City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director

The Administrative Services Department is managed by the City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director. The City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director is responsible for administering all elections, care and custody of the corporate seal, and all papers and records of the city. Responsibilities are listed below:

Assembling meeting agendas for all Committees and Commissions, documenting meeting minutes for all Committees and Commissions

Election Day supervision, voter registration, absentee voting, legal notices, Municipal Board of Canvassers. Issuing of Licenses and Permits: Alcohol, Business, Cigarette, Direct Sellers, Operator, and Parks. Administering of Oaths and Affirmations.
Maintains the official records of ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council. Handles inquiries and researches requests from citizens and other municipal departments. Provides staff support to the Mayor and City Council.

The City Clerk-Treasurer/Finance Director is responsible for the city's taxation, accounting, reporting, and management of the city’s financial activities, including general fund, sewer, storm water utilities and airport.  Financial activities include:

Accounts Payable           

Accounts Receivable              

Cash Management

Debt Administration

Budget Development

Financial Controls              

Payroll/Benefits Administration

Community Development Block Grants

Investment Management       

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Collection



Jacob Crosetto









Deputy City Clerk - Treasurer II: Julie Strutz
Phone: 608-768-3350
Fax: 608-524-8458

Deputy City Clerk - Treasurer I: Anita Young
Phone: 608-768-3349
Fax: 608-524-8458

Financial Audits

Financial Audits are conducted annually by an independent auditor to confirm compliance with State and Federal accounting regulations and generally accepted accounting practices.  Contact the City Administrator's Office for additional information on the audit material.

TIF Reports

Tax Incremental Finance Districts (called TIF or TID interchangeably) are special purpose districts to promote growth and redevelopment.  TIF reports are done annually based upon audit financial statements and at other times during the life of the TIF to confirm ongoing compliance with State regulations.  Reports are compiled from audited statements by the City Administrator's Office.

Bond Rating Agency Reports

Reedsburg continues to strive for the highest possible rating from Moody’s Investors Services, reaffirming their confidence in the city’s financial management and its economic outlook.  High bond ratings mean the city is able to sell General Obligation bonds to finance voter-approved capital projects, including new parks, libraries, pools and roads, at lower interest rates. The ratings also increase the value of existing General Obligation bonds for investors.

Operator License for Selling Alcohol

There are three types of Operator's Licenses available depending on time of application. All fees are non-refundable and due at the time of application filing.