Air Quality:
Grede Foundry

Doing Business in Reedsburg

Reedsburg Business Park Center
The Business Center is for professional offices, research facilities and high-tech businesses that desire an affordable, upscale location in a campus-like setting.

Reedsburg Industrial Park 

The Reedsburg Industrial Park began development after WWII and is now host to more than 25 varied industries.  A new area was opened in 1998 and 50 acres are available for sale to accommodate heavy industry. Rail service is available.

Community Development Documents

Entrepreneur Resources

Many great entrepreneurs have started in Reedsburg. Usually, the one fact of business ownership which is ever present is the monthly "Cash Flow" pictures. For a new Business the startup cost, capital investment, and risk insurance just may keep a business from signing a facility lease.

  • SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and has been mentoring small business owners for more than forty years.
  • SCORE also provides local workshops and events throughout the country to connect small business owners with the people and information they need to start, grow, and maintain their businesses, as well as online workshops available 24/7. SCORE provides resources, templates, and tools to assist entrepreneurs in developing tools and plans they need to navigate their way to small business success.
  • Founded in 1964, SCORE is headquartered in Herndon, VA and has 364 chapters throughout the United States and its territories, with over 13,000 volunteers nationwide. 

Madison - Score

505 South Rosa Road
MG&E Innovation Center, Suite 37.
Madison, WI, 53719, WI U.S.A.
Ph: (608) 441-2820

Central Wisconsin - Score

Stevens Point Branch
340 Division Street Stevens
Point, WI, 54481 U.S.A.
Ph: (715) 384-3454

Reedsburg Site Map Drive Times Target 5, 15 and 25 miles
Reedsburg Demographics and Income Profile Target 5, 15 and 25 miles
Reedsburg Market Profile Target 5, 15 and 25 miles
Reedsburg Market Analysis City of Reedsburg's Market Analysis
Reedsburg Targeted Industry Study Study identifys target industries which would fit well in the City
City of Reedsburg Employment 2012 Employment Data